FORKids (For Kids Program)
The FORKids program (also known as the School Backpack Meal Program) provides students with food to take home over the weekend during the school year. Every FORKids bag contains two days’ worth of kid-friendly foods and typically has five ready-to-eat or easy-to-prepare meals, three to four snacks and an 8-ounce container of shelf-stable milk — items that can be prepared with a microwave and do not require refrigeration.
The goal is that children can arrive at school on Monday mornings ready to learn and not focused on being hungry. On average, around 1,800 students are served each week through the FORKids Program.
The Food Bank works closely with local schools in the Olympia, Tumwater, North Thurston, Griffin, and Wa He Lut school districts, creating a community support bridge for the National School Lunch & Breakfast Program (free and reduced-price meals). Each school notifies the Food Bank of how many students will participate in the weekend food bag program and, based on these numbers, staff and volunteers at the Food Bank build the bags and deliver them to the schools. Schools distribute the bags to the students each Friday. Please contact your child’s school if you would like to receive a FORKids weekend meal bag.