Our Food Pantries
Our Olympia and Lacey Food Pantries offer an indoor grocery shopping experience with the opportunity to choose most items. Details for new and returning clients about what groceries we offer and how to become a Food Bank client are one click back at New to Our Food Bank? Additionally, we offer a variety of non-food Client Services at our two Pantries. This includes our Other Bank Program, which provides essential personal care and household items. (Please note that groceries and Other Bank items are not distributed to individuals and families from our Tumwater Warehouse and Distribution Center.)
What can you expect when visiting our Food Pantries? Watch the videos below to experience a virtual visit to our Olympia and Lacey Food Pantries.
Experience a Visit to our Olympia Food Pantry
Experience a Visit to our Lacey Food Pantry

Olympia Food Pantry
Located at: 220 Thurston Ave NE, Olympia, WA 98501
Indoor Grocery Shopping and Client Service hours:
Monday*, Wednesday, and Friday: 10:30 AM–3 PM
*CLOSED on the 3rd Monday of each month
The City of Olympia provides free parking on days of food distribution on Thurston and Franklin Avenues and Adams Street — no need to pay the parking meter. Everyone is welcome to line up along the wall of the Food Bank on Thurston Avenue while waiting for service to begin inside.

Lacey Food Pantry
Located at: 7027 Martin Way E, Olympia, WA 98516
Indoor Grocery Shopping and Client Service hours:
Tuesday and Thursday: 10 AM–2 PM
2nd Wednesday of each month: 4–6 PM
The parking lot opens at 9:30 AM. If you arrive by car, please park in the lower lot (or upper lot if you have limited mobility) and join us inside to shop.
(On desktop/laptop, hover over each calendar item for more information and a link to map directions — on mobile, click and hold calendar item for more information and a link to map directions. Landscape/horizontal mode is recommended when viewing the calendar on mobile.)
Other Food Services at our Pantries
In addition to regular grocery shopping at our Olympia and Lacey Food Pantries, we offer our clients the following food services:

Lacey Farm Stand
During the growing season, the Farm Stand on the Lacey Food Pantry property offers fresh, local produce on select Saturdays from 11 AM–1 PM. Farm Stand produce is free to Food Bank clients and does not count towards monthly visits! The schedule is posted on our Location Map, Calendar, and on social media. Learn More >

Baby Food
When available, baby food including veggies, fruits, meats, cereals and snacks is offered to clients receiving a Full Visit. Additionally, a variety of baby and toddler formula may be available to clients receiving both Full and Supplemental visits. Click to Learn More > about additional baby items we offer.

Thanksgiving Distributions
In addition to our regular food shopping, boxes of ingredients and food items to compliment a holiday meal are pre-packed and distributed before Thanksgiving. These are available at our Olympia and Lacey Food Pantries and at some Satellite locations. Detailed information is posted several weeks prior on our Thanksgiving Distributions page and on social media.

Emergency Food Bags
Upon request, a 12-hour supply of emergency food may be received after regular food distribution hours.

Ready-to-eat refers to foods that need little or no preparation. We provide shelf-stable foods that are easy to open, provide their own cup/tin/can from which to eat, and can be prepared by someone with limited access to cooking facilities.

Ensure, Boost and other liquid nutritionals are available on request as a meal supplement or replacement; based on availability.
Other Ways to Access Food
The Thurston County Food Bank partners with many local organizations to make it easier for you to get groceries. Our Satellite Food Distribution Network includes Satellites, Mobiles, and Home Delivery, offering the community access to food at many locations beyond our two primary Food Pantries. Please be aware that using our Satellites does count toward your two-per-month Full Visits and one-per-week Supplemental Visits. When you are registered as a Food Bank client, you can get groceries at any of our locations (with the exception of our Tumwater Warehouse, where food is not distributed to individuals and families). For some Satellites you must call ahead, and this is noted on our LOCATION MAP where printable brochures in English and Spanish are available to view or download.

Satellite Food Banks are operated in partnership with community organizations around Thurston County. Each satellite distributes a pre-packaged assortment of groceries and/or offers a shopping model. Shelf-stable foods are offered, and fresh and frozen options are generally available as well. Additionally, TEFAP commodities are available at some locations and CSFP federal food is available upon request for seniors who meet eligibility requirements and have been approved. Satellite locations or the Thurston County Food Bank Satellite Coordinator should be contacted directly with questions or for additional information.

Mobile Food Banks are a service provided to community members living in low-income housing, who may have trouble accessing food bank services. TEFAP product is available at some locations; CSFP is available upon request with prior approval. Regular stops are made at specified locations in Olympia, Lacey, Shelton, Tumwater and Yelm. Please email the Satellite Coordinator for more information and current delivery locations.

Home Delivery
Transportation and physical limitations can make it difficult for some folks to access the Food Bank. To remove these barriers, the Food Bank developed a Home Delivery Program, in which volunteers deliver a full visit’s worth of groceries to CSFP-eligible clients’ homes, across Thurston County, with options for delivery to Mason and Lewis county CSFP-eligible clients as well. Please email the Satellite Coordinator for more information.