Would you like to organize a drive for the Food Bank? Your donations are critical to providing the bounty of choices that help make our Food Bank a great place to visit.
Drive Basics
For the Thurston County Food Bank, food and non-food drives are critical in helping to provide our clients with choices. Part of our mission is to break down barriers, including the stigma of going to a food bank. By giving people a choice, it brings dignity to the experience, cuts down food waste, and maximizes resources. Using this method helps us provide a higher level of services to our community. We thank all of you — individuals, businesses, churches, schools, and other community groups — who have organized or donated to a food drive on our behalf!
You might choose to run a general food drive or a themed drive, matching the needs of a specific food or non-food program. We have created flyers to meet your needs, below, or you can add our logo to your flyer or event handbill. Click to download our logo in color or black and white.
We are happy to provide you with collection containers and a scheduled pickup. Please note that our food drive program is volunteer run! We appreciate your flexibility in allowing us to match volunteer schedules to your pickup needs.
November, December and January are the busiest months of the year for our drivers. If you have the ability to pick up your food collection containers and drop off the proceeds of your drive, this is a wonderful gift to the Food Bank during the holiday season!
Please reach out to Anna-Min if you have questions or want to get started!
Below are flyers listing our most needed items by program. Feel free to download or print to support your drive!
Food Drive Ideas
Non-Food Drive Ideas